i’m back

whew. a new site. a new blog. it’s like i have adventure on my brain or something.

i was reading one of my favorite blogs today (seriously. click & read.) and decided i missed this snippet of my life. (by this snippet I mean thinking of and then composing multiple stories that embarrass myself or my loved ones) i spent nearly two years blogging, tried to keep it up when life sped up, and i just fell short. so, today i found myself aching to write again. granted part of this could be due to the fact that i haven’t had to crank out any ten page papers (yay i graduated school over a year ago). nonetheless, i’m back. sharing my life. my stories. my cats. i don’t promise my life to be something of extravagance or even mildly adventurous. i have learned to tell a great story and pride myself in the ability to turn regular and average stories into wonderfully dramatic and rather humorous stories (they are at least humorous to me and on a good day i can get my husband to think so too).

i’ve spent the last few months thinking futuristically. i’ve been married for nearly 10 months. i’ve been in my full-time “first career” (they say a person has an average of seven careers in their lives-not jobs, careers). i’m living in the forth apartment in my life. driving my third car (okay technically fifth if you count my two Miss Nebraska cars, Howie and Judy). and i am continually imagining what my future has in store for me. will i ever have a house? (don’t ask this question, this way, to Joel-he doesn’t take it well). will i ever see the end of debt? what do i want to be when i grow up? what a loaded question if you ask me. where do i want to live? where do i want to travel? you get the idea. though i think these questions are all wonderful examples of questions one should as ones self, i have to wonder at what point is the present and the past forgotten.

don’t get me wrong, i still plan to “life plan”. one of these days Joel and i will sit down and look over our plans together, set, AND achieve them. i will still get excited when something lines up in for my future, but i also don’t want to forget to live life for the day. (i feel like i’m attempting to write motivational quotes for pinterest here, ugh.) i just want to keep remembering to love my life. i’ve got too many blessings around me to forget to embrace them. and too many things around me have been put into perspective to ignore this.

i’ve already started my list of “this will be a fabulous blog title and story i have to start writing it right now” blogs, but lets remember i still have a full-time job, full-time volunteer position AND it’s #TGIT so I will be planting my fine piece of bum on the couch for a solid three hours tonight. maybe if you’re lucky (or maybe it’ll be lucky for me) i’ll crank out at least a draft of this fun zone.

also, i love my fur babies and tend to take far too many photos of/with them so i will probably share those with you too. also, hello october.


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